Shift Register Demo
An online demo on how a shift register works.
How to use a shift register
Here's a quick demo I built on how a shift register works for a video. I can't promise it'll be completely accurate, but it'll give you an idea of how it works.
Shift Register Demo
How to Use
- Set the Data pin to 1 (ON) or 0 (OFF) using the switch
- Click the Clock button to shift to the next output
- Toggle the Latch switch to ON to update all the outputs
- Toggle the Latch switch to OFF before the next clock pulse, to set your new data
Try This Demo Pattern:
- Set Data = ON, Click Clock (shifts in a 1)
- Set Data = OFF, Click Clock 4 times (shifts in zeros)
- Turn Latch ON to see the result
- Turn Latch OFF to prepare for next sequence
Controlling a Shift Register with a Raspberry Pi
The demo above shows how a shift register works in the browser, but how would we control one in the real world with Python? Here's a simple example using a Raspberry Pi and the GPIO library.
First, let's set up our pins:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
# Set up the GPIO pins
# Define pins
DATA_PIN = 17 # Serial data input
CLOCK_PIN = 27 # Clock input
LATCH_PIN = 22 # Register clock input
# Set up pins as outputs
Now we can write a simple function to shift out data:
def shift_out(data_bit):
# Set data pin
GPIO.output(DATA_PIN, data_bit)
# Pulse clock pin
time.sleep(0.001) # Small delay
And here's how we would send a full byte of data:
def send_byte(byte):
# Shift out each bit
for i in range(8):
bit = (byte >> i) & 1 # Get each bit starting from LSB
# Pulse latch pin to update outputs
# Example: Light up alternating LEDs
send_byte(0b10101010) # Binary pattern
This code follows the same principles as our browser demo - we're controlling the data, clock, and latch pins to shift in bits one at a time. The main differences are:
- We're using actual GPIO pins instead of virtual ones
- We need small delays to ensure the shift register has time to respond
- We can send a full byte at once rather than bit-by-bit
Remember to clean up your GPIO when you're done:
# Clean up GPIO on exit
This is a basic example - in practice, you might want to add error handling and possibly use hardware SPI for more reliable communication. But this demonstrates the core concepts of how shift registers work in real hardware!