AI Projects

A job board for the unique field of developer relations is a job board for jobs in developer relations, powered by a good-old-fashioned data pipeline, with a hint of artificial intelligence.

About The Project

A while ago I made the career decision to transition into developer relations. It's a great field for anyone who likes to be technical like a software engineer, but still enjoys interacting with people, and being creative outside of code. Software engineering is great, but it often lacks the opportunity to connect with people outside of the scope of your problem. If this is sounding like you, you might want to check out Developer Advocacy, and Developer Relations are the branches of tech jobs that help companies curate communities, and identify how they can best help their users.

Because it's such a unique field, I've previously had a hard time finding positions that I would want to apply for. solves that problem for me by automatically finding, curating, categorizing, and summarizing positions in the Developer Relations space. I also tried to make it as cute as possible by involving a ton of DALLE-3 avacado images (the unofficial mascot of the community).


Check It Out

You can check out the latest developer relations jobs at


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Let's build something big together

I build creative marketing experiences and projects with technology.