
Web Projects

A newsletter for all the responsibilities you probably forgot about.

This project is now archived and is not available

Reminder.FYI - A newsletter for all the responsibilities you probably forgot about.

I've been wanting to build this project for a long time now - since university actually. I originally came up with the idea as an app, and used it to apply to an entrepreneurship program, but never actually built it.

Now that it's been a while, I decided to take a weekend and finally build an MVP. This whole thing took me about 2 days total to get up and running - and I'm super excited to see if there are any other people just as forgetful with their responsibilities as me.


About The Project

The site is designed to run completely autonomously, but of course, does require some maintenance now and again.

Check It Out

To sign up, visit and use the sign-up form - you'll start getting reminders every week!


Reminder.FYI Blogs

Posts about Reminder.FYI
Attacked By Bots

How I learned my lesson to use captchas on forms.

Let's build something big together

I build creative marketing experiences and projects with technology.