
AI Projects

Articles to podcasts at the click of a button.

I like to walk. I also have to read a lot for work. It would be great if I could turn all my required readings into podcasts, so I can listen while walking. That's SaveCast in a nutshell.

The Problem

I use exercise to maintain my overall health and wellness, and while the benefits of it stand on their own, I often find myself wondering if I can use the time more productively. I listen to audiobooks, podcasts, and chat with OpenAI's ChatGPT while on the go to enhance my productivity and learn while on the move.

For my work, I'm often required to read an immense amount of material. Web-pages, news-articles, the latest technical briefs - it's time consuming. I figured, why not combine my love of learning-on-the-go with the pain of having to sit down and read these articles. With that, the idea for SaveCast was born.

The Idea

It would be great if I could click a button and turn an article into a "listen-later" type of podcast. That's the idea behind SaveCast.

Using the Google Chrome extension, users click a button, and the contents of the article are sent to SaveCast. It then rewrites the article to better suit the audio medium, and records a "podcast episode". That episode is automatically sent to your favourite podcast listening app, so when it's time for you to walk, commute to work, or work-out, you can listen to all the saved articles you've got stored.


SaveCast is built with a combination of python, django, text-to-speech models, and large-language-models (LLMs). It uses the latest in AI technologies to create a comprehensive article-to-audio pipeline.

I had the idea Monday afternoon, and had a fully functional MVP by Wednesday morning, with the first alpha users later that afternoon. Rapid prototyping is one of my most well-honed skills.

Check It Out

SaveCast is currently in a closed alpha, but you can check it out at and sign up.


Check out the project for yourself!

Let's build something big together

I build creative marketing experiences and projects with technology.